Saturday 1 December 2012

Being Dumb

He said "Wow! you are dumb". She felt a little insulted. He repeated it. This time her sadness morphed into anger. She did not utter a word. Her attention was diverted to the anger swelling up in her chest. She wondered is she really dumb? Does she have control over how fast her brain processes things? Is it something she can work and improve on? She didn't think so, then why was he calling her dumb, on the other hand what is so bad about being dumb? Is it necessary that we excel in everything we do? Why couldn't he just help her out without being rude. She realized he just wanted to elevate himself by demeaning her. And it wasn't just him, she realized she did it too. When someone asked a stupid question she jeered at them and offered help in a condescending manner. We all love to do it, its like our superiority can be established only by insulting others. But does it really work? No we feel just as insecure as before. So we keep searching for ways to express our dominion and when does this search end? It never does, let me give you an instance, ever noticed how the most popular people are generally the greatest arseholes. And we still  feel attracted towards them. We all want to be like them and crave their company and attention.This is very conspicuous in the age old story of good girl bad guy. We love the bad guys, the more unruly the more insulting the more we want them. It is such a ego boost when the bad guy who pretends not to give a damn about the world, gives a damn about you, even though such occasions would be rare. We love those rare occasions and end up basing an entire relationship on those. But the rest of the time we spend crying on the shoulders of our friend zoned good guy. Who is practically tearing his hair out wondering whats wrong with you, it isn't like you cant see that you are dating an ass, but you refuse to give up. You end up showering your attention on people who don't deserve it, ignoring people who deserve it and screwing up the most important person, you!

And what you learn from this? Either you become wary of every guy who approaches you and don't date anyone, or you decide to vent out the same treatment to the next guy you do date. Either way you end up hurting someone and returning to one of the most fundamental question of our life, whose fault is it? The answer is surprisingly simple, your own. If only you had not fallen for the attractive arrogance but for the sweet humility. So next time keep it simple

 nice guy> bad guy (Always)


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